The 2022 Mindset.

I have never been a big fan of concrete goals, but instead have loved the idea of over arching themes, feelings, or abstracts. I find that reaching for a concrete goal, “sell 60 bouquets every week” or “sell out 5 workshops” can lock me into something that might not be the best option as the months stroll through. January me can’t predict the life changes that the new year is bringing. I want to be able to adapt to those changes without feeling like I failed to meet my goals. This is where my words or phrases come in. How do I want to feel in 2022? What do I want to make my priority in this year? Flower farming started as a way to bring purpose and joy to my life, not add to its stress after all. At the end of the day to I want to embrace finding balance or do I want to be striving and thriving? Going forward do I want my year to be full of saying yes or do I need a period of saying no? These phrases and themes give me a basis for my decision. A north star to look to when I’m trying to make my little choices along the way.

For 2022 I have two: Slow Down, Be Effective and Take Time for Joy.

2021 saw me throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick. 2022 will see me slowing down and being effective. To me this means I investing in structures, help, and technology that eases my workload. Last year I only had weed barrier fabric on a few select rows. I just didn’t have the money to invest in it, but we made it work! So much time was devoted to weeding, but this year every row will have weed barrier fabric. Last year we didn’t have a well on site so water had to be tanked from our farm a 1/4 mile a way and pumped into the drip lines. This year we are putting in a well to make watering much less time consuming. I live about 10 miles from our flower field so in the past harvested flowers were hauled to my house to make bouquet subscriptions. This year we will have a flower cottage on site giving me a building to cut, store, and create all my arrangements. The flower cottage will also serve as a space for on farm workshops and bouquet classes. All of these adjustments will hopefully help me slow down and be more effective with my time.

Take Time for Joy is a reminder that I have to actively choose things I enjoy and actively choose not to spend as much time on time for things I don’t. What do I enjoy about flower farming? I love spending time growing, harvesting, and having people out to the flowers. What don’t I enjoy? I don’t enjoy selling at farmer’s market style events and I miss having Saturdays to spend with my family. Can I delegate these this or avoid them all together? Yes! I am working on having a self-serve, come at your leisure U-Pick throughout the week and weekend instead of a single Saturday morning U-pick. Some of these decisions might not be the the elite business desicion, but they are the best life decision and that is what Taking Time for Joy is all about.

This year more than most I am thankful for yearly mindsets instead of concrete goals. Last week within the span of 5 minutes my priorities got completely rearranged in the best way possible. The baby we were expecting this fall turned into two babies with one little ultrasound. You heard that right, twins. T-W-I-N-S. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the excitement, nervousness, disbelief, and a little bit of self doubt that comes with seeing two little babies on that black and white screen.

I was fully prepared for flower farming pregnant, that didn’t make me nervous. But throwing in two times the hormones and a the higher risks involved is reinforcing my mindset of having a slowdown year. So far my weeks have been a mix of keeping a toddler alive and periodically heading to the hospital for IV therapy. I was sick with True, but I doesn’t hold a candle to the nausea and exaustion these two babies have brought on. Seeds are still being sown but now at a little different pace.

Don’t worry thought, in 2022 you can still expect flowers. Oh-so many flowers, but maybe in a way that puts you in the drivers seat and lets me lean on a little more help from my incredibly talented friends. What I mean by this is in combination with the self serve flower stand I hope to offer self-serve U-Picks where you are free to stroll the field and pick the flowers at your leisure certain of the week. In our new flower cottage we will be holding monthly arrangement classes with the help of our local florists. And of course Sunday Yoga Among the Blooms with my dear friend Kari will still be a weekly staple. You can expect the on farm events to begin at the beginning of July with more information as this growing season unflolds. As always I am so lucky to have the support of our incredible customer base. Thanks for coming along on this journey and letting me share this exciting, exciting news!


The Buzz of Spring.

