It Takes a Village.

I am continually reminded it takes a village to raise a child. I am lucky that our small town and the communities around are the villages helping to raise mine. Christmas shopping with three little ones is a feat. Heck doing anything with three kids is a feat. Throw in a record breaking Minnesota winter and a distracted mom brain and you really have some chaos. Yet somehow our greater Minnesota towns have made keeping my sanity possible. In the past two months I have had waitresses (eagerly) hold my babies so I could sneak a bite to eat, store owners tell me to bring home clothes to try on and pay for on my way back when my kids were loosing patience, retail workers offer to bring items out to my car when my arms were full, post office employees help me in the best ways possible, and workers stay late to help me purchase the things I need. Through all of this I have rarely had to wait in a line and I have always been met with a smile.

Our little town - and the ones that surround - go above and beyond for us so I hope you take the chance to go above and beyond for them this holiday season.

Record snowfall and cold weather have me looking for indoor actives to keep my toddler and I busy. This week we decided to tackle Christmas goodies! So far we have attempted scotcheroos, chocolate covered pretzels and peanut butter crackers, pecan pie, fudge, and lefse! Perfectionism and my sanity have been left in the dust but boy have we had some fun. If you need a fail proof lefse routine, check out Minnesota Uncorked’s link below!

Still looking for a last minute Christmas gift? Our Summer Bouquet subscriptions and U-Pick certificates are still available! Follow both of the links below.


And the 2023 Word of the Year is Deliberate.


True Blue.