Quiet Reflection.

Every month I get an 90 minute massage.

Every month I question if I should be spending money on a 90 minute massage.

Every month I lay in silence with no sense of duty for my 90 minute massage.

Every month I focus on my breathing in my 90 minute massage.

Every month I aimlessly reflect on my joys in my 90 minute massage.

Every month I let my mind wander to my goals and aspirations in my 90 minute massage.

Every month I think about how I should be caring for my body In my 90 minute massage.

Every month I drop my shoulders, unclench my teeth, and take my tongue from the roof of my mouth in my 90 minute massage.

And every month I question if it’s the only time that month that I’ve taken the time to do all these things and it’s solely because of my 90 minute massage.

Quiet reflection is self care. Anything that ensures I take time for quiet reflection isn’t something I should be questioning spending money on.TikTok, TV, and social media have replaced my time of quiet reflection. And my 90 minute massage is one of my favorite ways I’m taking it back.


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